
Znanie Association
Znanie is a NGO, established in 1990 in public favour, with priorities in training and education. For last 25 years more than 70 000 people have been trained by Znanie in language courses for children and adults, IT courses for children and adults, VET courses for adults, and in seminars on various topics.
Main areas of activities are related to:
- Adult training – Intercultural trainings, team buildings, soft skills development, basic skills for adults, motivation trainings
- Volunteer work
- Vocational Education and Training - the VET Center we have is licenced for 35 professions and 50 courses, recognized as part of profession, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th qualification level.
- TELC – Znanie is examination center for TELC (The European Language Certificate) providing examination for A1, A2, B1, B2-C1 for German.
We work with various target groups: - Employers and Employers` associations such as chambers of commerce – providing qualification and requalification courses, formal and non-formal training
- Employed – offering possibilities for non-formal training, as well as formal requalification courses
- NGOs – providing capacity building projects and training activities for their staff
- Third aged – non-formal IT training
- Youth – EVS possibilities – both as host and sending organization.
- Disadvantaged groups –unemployed, long term unemployed, people with limited physical abilities, people with less opportunities
- Volunteers – providing different possibilities for participation in activities
Znanie has long term experience as project coordinator and partner in projects developing and delivering Entrepreneurship, Active aging, Interculturality, Intergenerational communciation, Multiligualism, Active citizenship, Capacity builiding for NGOs, Youth exchange, Preventing eary school leave.
Znanie is a member of FSSK (Federation of Societies for Spread of Knowledge). The Federation has 12 members – training providers, all over the country.
Znanie is a member of EVBB - European umbrella Association for Quality in VET. Znanie Association is a co-founder of EVBB, Bulgaria.
Znane is a member of EURORESO, an European network with more than 40 members representing NGO, formal and non-formal education and training, and business sector.
- Project contact
- Valentina Georgieva
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- Web
- www.znanie-bg.org